Welcome to the web pages of

"The Heath Family of Staffordshire".

Anyone who now visits the new website will find that some pages have restricted access. This means that you will have to send a request via the "Contact Page" to request a password.

When requesting access to the website or help with your Heath family tree you will need to supply as much information as you can so that we can verify your connection to the Heath family. Most requests contain very little information, we need as many names, dates and locations as you can provide in order to help you. Almost all the requests for help contain little or no information, a typical example would be,

"Hi I am doing my family tree and I can't find any info on David J Bloore who married my grandmother in leek. In 1947. I can't find any more information on him on ancestry. Com. I would be very grateful for any information).

If you don't supply the required information I'm sorry but it will unfortunately keep us from helping you.

Access will only be granted to someone with a bona fide connection to the Heath family.


This site is intended to become a resource for any would be "HEATH" researcher out there who wishes to follow their pedigree by taking advantage of knowledge already fully researched and which has already been looked at by at least a family member with a vested interest in ensuring that it is as accurate as it can be It concentrates mainly on the HEATH's of Horton, near Leek in Staffordshire but there are now relatives throughout the UK and even out in Canada, New Zealand and Australia. There are also some interesting links to Pennsylvania in America.

There are three main contributors of information to this site: Melanie MYATT, Harry BURN and Mark HEATH, all are related through direct blood line or marriage to the Heaths of Horton Parish in Staffordshire. There are many other contributors though and the aim is to counteract some of poor research that has built up over the years on the internet with information that has been verified and known to be correct.

There will eventually be links added to other useful sites. We hope to include the odd pedigree that has been worked upon but not tied in as yet to the Horton clan. Rather than leave these in a cupboard gathering dust, they will be placed on here to encourage information exchange. Please bear with us as the website is developed and extra features etc are added. There is a forum included where you can discuss the family and if anyone has any requests please don't be shy pop it onto the forum.


Horton Church Video by Paul Franklin

Horton Church
Mark Heath

Staffordshire Heath Family History Reunion 2024

Also Celebrating a Book Launch of the Memiors of Reg Heath of Horton and Longsdon


Saturday 16th March 2024 11am - 4pm Rudyard Chapel, Lake Road Rudyard, ST13 8RL.

No charge for entry but donations welcome to cover costs.

In addition to the usual opportunities of viewing displays of family history research, the family tree, local resources and lots of photos we are also celebrating the launch of a book of Memoirs of Reg Heath of Horton and Longsdon. Reg will be with us on the day to sign copies of his fascinating book. As always it'll be a lovley social opportunity to meet up in person and maybe find some new cousins.

Light refreshments available

For more information contact

Email: staffordshireheathreunion@gmail.com


Christmas Greetings by George Heath

The jokes and the joys of the season,
Its compliments, laughter, and glee,
Its meetings, its kissings and greetings,
With the love of a friend to thee.

May loved ones flock round thee in plenty,
May "Your little Accounts" be scant:
Be thine all the cheer of the season,
With none of its cold and its want.

Be thy sources of pleasure many,
Thy causes for sorrow but few,
May the Old Year drop merrily over
I' the dawn of a happier new.

Last updated 29/11/2024 by Harry Burn.
